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Local Vendor Spotlight: Soap Distillery

Inspired by the lack of diversity in scented soaps she found at her local health food stores,
Danielle Martin decided to take things into her own hands (pun intended), and in 2012 started Soap Distillery in Chicago.

She taught herself soap making and cosmetic science, and began making her own soap. It was while she was drinking an Old Fashioned during a conversation about scents that she came up with the idea to use cocktails as inspiration for her soap scents in order to stand out in the crowded bath and body industry.

Soap Distillery is a small four-person team that creates a myriad of uniquely scented products, many of which we are proud to carry at Seguin Gardens & Gifts. While inspired by spirits, Soap Distillery products will not make you smell like a cocktail (you'll need an actual cocktail to do that), but will leave a pleasant scent.
In addition to really awesome products, Danielle is commited to sustainability. Soap boxes are biodegradable, and they do not use any essential oils that are unsustainable to produce. She also donated to locally based organizations like the Broadway Youth Center in Chicago, serving important purposes as well as sending a positive message to her fans (like us!).

When you purchase Soap Distillery products from us, not only do you help a small Black and woman owned local business, but you also help provide jobs to individuals with developmental disabilities, a core mission of Seguin Gardens & Gifts, and our parent organization, UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago.

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